Download the Moshe App Today
One Stop Shop for:
Quick and simple method for planning events and collecting money from friends and family.
Simplify your life! Managing shared expenses and planning activities with a group of friends, roommates, sporting teams or colleagues has never been easier! Moshe is a revolutionary app designed to streamline group payments, track shared expenses, and facilitate seamless planning, and event management a breeze.
Roommate Expenses? Dining Out? Fund Raisers? Office Pools?
Say goodbye to the hassle of collecting cash or chasing down friends and family for reimbursements! The Quick Pay feature in Moshe allows you to create and manage group payments for any number of things. You can initiate payments, send reminders, and keep track of who has contributed, ensuring transparency and fairness.
Sporting Team Fees? Group Trips? Family Vacations? Hosted Parties? And
much more!
Team Moms and Coaches will love Moshe! Planning team events and collecting and tracking team fees will be a breeze! Coordinate group activities and events seamlessly using Moshe. Create event plans, invite participants, and collaboratively decide on details like dates, locations, and activities. Ideas can be quickly shared using Moshe’s group chat feature.